Location: Chicago IL
SAFE 2018: Third Annual Global Conference on Human Trafficking: Innovative Response to Migration, Conflict, and War springboards from the tremendous enthusiasm and collaborative success of SAFE 2016. Brought to the global community once more, the goals of SAFE 2018 are to widen the global collaborative from 25 countries to 50 countries, address transnational trafficking in the age of wars and transient migrations, place emphasis on implementation of technology and research models within the execution of the 4Ps, and gather together advocates, activists, scientists, technologists, clinicians, law enforcement, NGOs, governmental entities, transportation and hospitality communities to foster global collaborative systems of delivery from trafficking.
Proposals are invited from experts, innovative leaders on topics such as:
- Corruption and Poverty: What are the maintenance factors such as corruption in the ongoing exploitation of individuals in human trafficking? How have we combated slave labor and slave trade?
- Transnational Trafficking: What are the factors that have supported the transnational trafficking of minors and adults in labor and sex trafficking? What are the current and best practices available to combat it?
- Community Engagement and Jobs: How do we engage businesses, universities, and organizations to provide job security and training for survivors of human trafficking? What models are available and how were they implemented?
- Volunteer Management: How do NGOs successfully employ team-building and management of volunteers and participate in wrap around services within local and national task forces on human trafficking?.
- Rehabilitation: How do we overcome the challenges of building and sustaining Safe Houses for victims of human trafficking?
- Technology: What are the tools available from technologists in terms of tracking, identifying, intervening, protecting and rehabilitating victims of human trafficking?
- Legislative Efforts: We have laws against human trafficking. Where are we and what do we need to be pushing for?
- Identification: We have tools to identify victims of human trafficking. What is the follow-up and success rate of these tools and what improvements are suggested?
- Foster Care/Adoption: 80% of victims of HT reported they were once in foster care. How are states combating human trafficking? What else is needed?
- Homelessness: One in five homeless people are recruited into human trafficking. What mechanisms and systems are needed or have been implemented to protect homeless youth and adults?
- Systems of Care: Treatment models presented at SAFE 2016 have been researched and new findings as well as cutting edge treatments are invited.
Additional proposals will also be reviewed by the SAFE 2018 panel of reviewers for authenticity, substance, creativity, and innovation. Proposals will be kept private by the committee until accepted.
Important Dates:
NOTE: Proposals will remain hidden until approved.
Proposal Deadline: Extended June 30, 2018
- Review Dates: December 7, 2017 - June 5, 2018
- Acceptance Dates: February 1- May 15, 2018
- Acceptance deadline: June 30, 2018
- Program Availability: July 31, 2018
- Conference Dates: September 2-5, 2018
Hotel Accommodations: Special Conference Rates for SAFE 2018.
Airline Partners: United
Speakers Registration: REQUIRED and fees are not covered. Due to SAFECHR's global platform, speakers often get invited with paid travel and stay by attendees from other countries. Examples: After SAFE 2016, Dr Joel Fillmore was flown to Albania by an attendee, the Minister of Albania, to speak to those in her country about human trafficking of boys and men. After SAFE 2016, the DR Congo Supreme Court Attendees invited a speaker to travel and train those in their country. Again, due to SAFE 2016, Ms. Kimberly Grabbert was flown to the UK to train foster carers and trainers in human trafficking. These are just a few examples. The exposure to other nations and just within the US is tremendous. Speakers who do not register will not be able to present as the costs help us cover our survivors whom we are flying into town.