Building Community Awareness
The FREE Network is dedicated to increasing community awareness about human trafficking in order to decrease the vulnerabilities that exist in our community. Our goal, through community awareness, is to make the social changes necessary to end this crime. Increasing awareness is the first step to making a difference.
Our strategy comprises of leveraging diverse channels to increase awareness. Our presence on social media serves to inform the public about trainings and events taking place through our membership base. Our website is a focal point for those who want to learn and get involved in anti-human trafficking efforts.
As a first step, please get to know our members here. These are the women, men and organizations who are addressing this crime on a daily basis. Connect with our members for more information, get to know who we all are and join us with your time and talent, or by making a donation, or simply by reaching out and learning more about the work that we do.
Next, take a look at our resources pages for community awareness here. We are constantly updating our resources pages so that you have the latest information at your fingertips. Here you will find a number of capabilities that are waiting for you to assist you in navigating through the complexities of human trafficking. From virtual trainings and organizations that can give you valuable information to where to go if you or someone you know is affected by this crime.
Take a look at the events here that are taking place to increase awareness and get to know our members. If your organization has an event taking place on the topic of human trafficking, please let us know here so we can help you get the word out!
We work with our members to get the right speaker for you and your organization. Whether your organization is faith based, in the medical field, or in the hospitality sector, we have the right fit for you and your industry. Please contact us here and fill out this short form to request a speaker. Request a speaker here.
Sign up for our monthly newsletter here to stay informed of our work and the opportunities that exist for volunteering, employment, engagement and collaboration in ending human trafficking and supporting those affected by this crime.
Follow us on social media and stay up to date on what our team/members are doing and share our links to help spread the word. Knowledge is key to preventing this crime. Stay informed and share the knowledge.
If you are an organization that is part of the anti-human trafficking movement and want to be a part of a collaborative, join us! If you are an individual who would like to volunteer your time and talents, join us! If you are a sponsor who would like to donate financially to this cause, join us! Start the process with this link here.