Let’s Go Shopping!!

Look up your favorite brands to see how they are doing.  Download the app on your phone and use it to scan barcodes while you’re shopping.
If one of the brands you love has issues with its supply chain, petition the company to make changes.  As a consumer, you have the power to be a catalyst for change.  Visit Made in a Free World for more information.

Look for the fair trade label on coffee and chocolate.  This insures that the farmers who grew and picked those beans were paid a fair wage.

Here are some great places to shop:

Rethreaded   https://www.rethreaded.com/
Plunder  http://www.plunderdesign.com/LoveAndDazzleForAPurpose/
Shoppe561  https://www.shoppe561.com/
Thistle Farms  https://thistlefarms.org/
Freedom Firm/Ruhamah Designs  http://www.ruhamah.in/about-ruhamah.html
Women At Risk  https://warchestboutique.com/
Rahab's Rope  https://www.rahabsrope.com/shop-home/
International Justice Mission https://gifts.ijm.org/