Tampa Bay comes together in so many ways to address human trafficking and support those who have been affected by this terrible crime. This month the Greater Tampa Bay Anti-Human Trafficking Group led by The FREE Network held it’s quarterly working group meeting. Topics included: addressing demand, providing anti-human trafficking training to the hotel/travel industry under the new Florida anti-human trafficking law, and caution in re-exploitation of those who have been through a human trafficking experience. The working group now consists of almost 30 organizations in our community dedicated to ending human trafficking and supporting those affected by this crime. Thank you to our members in Orlando for joining us!
In addition to our working group, The FREE Network partnered with Shared Hope International and Lutheran Services of Florida to host The Ambassadors of Hope Training. Over 50 participants became Ambassador’s of Hope. These Ambassadors are now trained to help raise awareness and prevent human trafficking in our community.
Thank you to all the individuals and organizations pulling together to end this crime. Together we are making a difference!
For more information visit us at: www.freenetwork.us