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Hands that Heal, 3 Day Training, hosted by Glory House

Thursday, February 15 to Saturday, February 17th  2018 from 9 AM to 5 PM

Location: Christ Journey Church , 624 Anastasia Avenue
Coral Gables, Fl, 33134

To Register go to:

Details: International Curriculum to train Caregivers of Trafficking Survivors is administered by the Faith Alliance Against Slavery and Trafficking (FAAST). It is an internationally written, biblically based program which focuses specifically on sex trafficking. This curriculum was developed by over 40 contributing writers/readers from across the world over a 20- month period, and was produced in two editions-Academic (English only) and Community Based.

Training will cover Defining and Understanding Trafficking in Persons, Biblical Framework for Christian Response to Human Trafficking, Trafficking in Persons Community Assessment, Cultural Issues in Trafficking and Trauma, A Holistic Approach to Aftercare, Combating the Demand for Commercial Sex, Understanding the Spiritual, Physical, Psychological and Social Needs of Survivors