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Traffick Stop 2018

Location: Donald Tucker Civic Center, 505 W Pensacola St., Tallahassee, Fl 32301

6:45 a.m. Prayer breakfast registration begins (RSVP by Jan. 4, $15 advance purchase)
7:15 a.m. Prayer breakfast with keynote speaker
8:15 a.m. Event registration for all attendees

8:45 a.m. BREAKTHROUGH SESSIONS (25 min each)
PAUSE - Hosted by The Porch Light
REFLECT - Hosted by One Purse
TAKE ACTION - Hosted by Voices for Florida

10:30 a.m. Unity March to the Historic Capitol
11:00 a.m. Rally at the Historic Capitol featuring "The State of Trafficking in Florida" press conference with Secretary Mike Carrol of Florida Department of Children and Families, Dr. Jerry Haag, a trafficking survivor and more.